Thursday, August 23, 2007

You're a pal and a confidant

I watched one too many episodes of Golden Girls today.

I dreamt I was late for work, and then I really was. Upon arriving, late, my boss gave me a slice of chocolate cake.
So I ate delicious chocolate cake for breakfast. Then I got a stomach ache. That's what I get for being late.

All I wanted to do this summer was swim. I didn't get to swim much. But I think back to who I was and the situation I was in last end of summer, and it's okay that I didn't get to swim very often. I found some paper writings I did around this time last year, it's pretty raw. I was the saddest I'd ever been in my entire life.

I spent nearly an entire summer either crying or trying to hold back tears. I didn't remember what it was like to be happy without trying. Thank goodness that only lasted for a bit. Last summer was rough, and I'm really glad to be where I am today with the people I care about today.

I wonder if you go through shitty stuff so you can understand and appreciate the wonderful things when they finally do come along.


scott. said...

Hey, you want to be happy about life together?

The Last Unicorn said...

So far so good!

Grad School Reject said...

This may be sharing too much - but I love "The Golden Girls." I am pretty sure I can still first and last name all of them.

The Last Unicorn said...

GSR: I totally pegged you as GG lover! Sophia was my favorite, you should check out Golden Girls on Wikipedia it is ridiculous!

The Last Unicorn said...

GSR: I totally pegged you as GG lover! Sophia was my favorite, you should check out Golden Girls on Wikipedia it is ridiculous!