Thursday, September 09, 2010

The Pains of Being Pure

My hands are so full of weird little aches and pains in places they don't normally ache or pain. This is good, no? I've been hammering and sawing my way into the fall. I've almost finished my piano bench. We have come a long way together. I like this furniture reclaiming business, it makes me a perfectionist. There are few things I even care to do half-ass, so this must mean something. The relationship between my hands/mood to whatever is laid out in front of me is exciting.

But, if I keep up with this I should probably invest in a power tool or two.

It's getting chilly and busy. I like these things. Where did summer go? I felt like I was in a time warp all summer. The days both dragged on and flew by. I don't know how I feel about this summer, but maybe because it's a constant comparison to the backdrop of last summer. I should stop that. Oh well. September is shaping up real nice. I had pumpkin pancakes the other day and oh boy, were they freakin delicious.

1 comment:

The Last Unicorn said...

Sometimes it takes a landslide.

Lovingly, '

drunk unicorn