Monday, February 09, 2009

Shake Notes

My wisdom tooth is poking through and it hurts to smile and eat and live. I'm also rrreally tired even though I fell asleep at approx. 11:30 last night. My left tonsil looks like Freddy Kreuger, and I think I have an ear infection.

On a brighter note, tomorrow will be sixty degrees and sunny which will undoubtedly melt my pains away. And announced tonight at the Grammys ... Blink-182 is back, this makes me happy mostly because it makes a certain someone I totally dig (I bet he's listening to them right now) and many of his friends giddy as school girls! I wonder when tour dates are going to be released?

Also, five day weekend, wah-freakin-hoooo.

I'm Ready For Take Off.

1 comment:

scott. said...

I just downloaded and watched every Blink music video ever made.