I realized that this week is mid-term. March. Roughly one month left in semester. Oh my word. I've neglected a great many people, and Wise-one my dear a call and late night rendezvous is far overdue. My most sincere apologies.
My time in current said location: don't stop to breath because you will miss it. This my friends makes me nervous.
Let's see if I can pull of all tasks given in the month of March.
Oh this must be thrown into my blog for pick me ups and good measure

Valentine's Day Morning:
His and hers, slumbering sweets, taken by roommate.
That sly devil (bless her everlasting soul).
Okay I only permit myself one schmoopy act per week. It was a long week.
This picture unfailingly makes me smile.
GRE word(s):
licentious- adjective
1: lacking legal or moral restraints; especially : disregarding sexual restraints 2: marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness
1: a person given to wildly extravagant and usually grossly self-indulgent expenditure
2: completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness
* O p I ateprofligate-noun,adjective
1: a person given to wildly extravagant and usually grossly self-indulgent expenditure
2: completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness
feels like you're wrapped up in a big warm blanket.
Only happier,
and warmer.
I promised myself in 2007 I'd do my best to break down internal fear
and affectations. Bottoms up.
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