I'm extremely liberal so I think that I'm supposed to be against NRA and all about strict gun laws but to be very honest I'm not all about any kinds of laws. I think I have to agree with the old adage, if they take the guns away from us then the only ones that will have them will be the crooks and the police. Since I've been converted to the camp that thinks cops are just as naughty as the bank robbers, well -- you can see how I think the supreme court may have gotten it right this time.
Of course it never works out that easy, as the city of Chicago is waiting out the change until a federal appeals court turns over Chicago's current handgun ban. Meanwhile DA Mary Georges is drafting strict ordinances to police the new ruling, including strict ownership requirements and even stricter penalties.
I'm excited to watch what this Supreme Court does in the next ten years especially since the inclusion of Elena Kagan.
Would I own a handgun in my home? Just like my stance on abortion, probably not for me, but then again that's just me, and I don't want to make decisions for others based on my lifestyle or ideals. If you own a handgun in your home for gosh sakes be careful if you own sexual reproduction organs, for gosh sakes be careful! It's all about education and personal responsibility.