Sunday, February 21, 2010
Being There
The moment that we conceived a Western notion of time and made it an integral part of our existence is the true moment man broke with nature.
How inconsolably sad.
I understand that to a certain extent without measurable time science wouldn't be where it is today, but really what part does Science play in my daily life whereas it didn't force itself upon me by its earlier advents fucking things up?
Humans are obsessed with precision, or rather precision brings us control which is our true obsession.
Is it mine? Am I obsessed. with. control?
I mean at first glance, of course not, I'm never on time, I'm a slave to the seasons, I hate being on other people's schedule, I REALLY hate being rushed and being given time restrictions, BUT...
There is always a butt. What if all my daily routines disappeared, what would happen to my psyche? Would I struggle to gain control of my day? Would I quickly reestablish a routine? Would I flourish? Would I be freeeeee?
But wait. I subscribe to the humans as glorified (we do the glorifying) animals and animals abide by cycles. So, following a schedule is natural. Without a sleep eat cycle, we would die. The very physiology of our bodies are cyclical. The concept of time as we imagine it exists in all of our heads because someone gave it to us. Mechanical time v. Natural time. Well, I do believe I'd pick natural each and every time.
I don't know where I'm going with this entry, it was prompted by a radio show I threw on for background noise, the show was wholly uninteresting until I heard the unsettling of medieval monks chanting. My ears perked up and the radio host talked about how precise time as we know it was borne out of the monks necessity to please a demanding God. I can't cite anything because I can't get a transcript of the show and my lackadaisical internet research didn't turn up much to back up my memory, but as I remember it the monks wanted (or thought that it was required of them) to be more exact in their daily offerings to God so they devised at time system that would allow them the precision. I wish I could find some secondary sources to back me up here. The show is Ideas and the episode is called "Time Kaleidoscope" if anyone finds me a download or podcast of that episode I would be so happy and buy you a coffee or beer. The rest of the episode was pretty awesome too, but that's a whole 'nother entry.
Anyway, time is a crazy notion, but less linear and more circular than I once imagined, which is in a way comforting.
I don't know where I'm going with this entry, it was prompted by a radio show I threw on for background noise, the show was wholly uninteresting until I heard the unsettling of medieval monks chanting. My ears perked up and the radio host talked about how precise time as we know it was borne out of the monks necessity to please a demanding God. I can't cite anything because I can't get a transcript of the show and my lackadaisical internet research didn't turn up much to back up my memory, but as I remember it the monks wanted (or thought that it was required of them) to be more exact in their daily offerings to God so they devised at time system that would allow them the precision. I wish I could find some secondary sources to back me up here. The show is Ideas and the episode is called "Time Kaleidoscope" if anyone finds me a download or podcast of that episode I would be so happy and buy you a coffee or beer. The rest of the episode was pretty awesome too, but that's a whole 'nother entry.
Anyway, time is a crazy notion, but less linear and more circular than I once imagined, which is in a way comforting.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tip of Da Tongue Catch All
Yo. I had so many starts of posts and big thoughts this week, but instead I'll just give some freckles and fragments cuz it's my blog and not too many people read it anyway and the ones who do probably don't care if I make too much sense.
What is worse for the environment: Eating meat/dairy or using as much "disposable" plastic as the average American uses in a day?
A revelatory thought I had this week that was prompted by a documentary I watched that scared the bejeezus out of me: Both religion and corporations are a top down ordered system. Efficient assuming no one questions the chain of command/deviates from the norm.
Also, Mad Men, watch it and let's discuss. An accurate snapshot of my country circa 1960, so discomforting I'm not sure I can stomach it, we really have come a long way folks and thank goodness for that. I may or may not have put my head (or my husbands) in the oven if I was forced to live like that. Though it makes more sense why rich white men feel so entitled and why they are willing to lie cheat and steal to maintain such a sweet way of life.
Why does adding an asterisk in my search phrase "help"?
RadioLab is my new favorite thing to listen to while doing manual labor. Check out emergence and stochasticity two of my faves. I can't wait to listen to the one on laughter, my favorite thing to do.
Tiger Woods has no one to apologize to except his wife and the harem of women he's been leading around, not the rest of the world.
This is what I've been looking at every night before I fall asleep. Do you know where your cribriform plate is? I could show you.
In summation: Why does broccoli (that is a hard word to spell btw) have to make me so gassy?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Goes W/out Sayin
So the day came and went where we are supposed to tell the people we love that we love them or show them via chocolates and hearts.
I don't know, sometimes I love the idea of Valentine's day and sometimes I think it's the ol' silly Hallmark capitalist hoy paloy.
Well godamnit this year I had one of the best Valentine's day in a very longtime. Sure I've had more romantic, and more fun (cause they weren't romantic at all), but this year included all the things that I think are really important about the day when one chooses to celebrate it.
S. and I slept in late, cuddled, ate too much good food, napped, talked, movie watched, cuddled and fell asleep. We entertain each other.
I mean besides waking up from an accidental three hour midday nap in a state of complete crab, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I enjoy just hanging out with him. The fact that we can go from serious political talk to cakefarts in the same conversation makes me really appreciate our relationship.
It also doesn't hurt that S. sewed me an awesome shirt for a Valentine, which is of course, way cooler than chocolates and flowers in my opinion!
I think I'm pretty lucky.
Look we made it through January!
Monday, February 08, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Our government is really pathetic.
Healthcare Reform (Filibuster)
LiveNation/Ticketmaster Merger (Horizontal/Vertical Merger, everyone gets screwed)
Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Balked at by congress members (Bullshit)
(Center for American Progress has a grrreat Road Map)
etc. etc.
Obama rock my heart, I love ya, and you are trying, but not hard enough. Pull some executive swaggah. Or just continue playing bi-partisan bitch and let millions more get manipulated and taken advantage of by rich conservative men (mostly) and women.
To lighten our moods:

Mmm. Sunshine and Swimming.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
...And Ever
Feeling a bit better.
Still daydreaming.
Longing for grass to lay in.
Planning summer on the cheap.
(the best way)
Still daydreaming.
Longing for grass to lay in.
Planning summer on the cheap.
(the best way)
I'm going to find red lipstick, and have the audacity to wear it.
I'm going to make cut off jeans.
I'm going to long after this swimsuit but probably never get it ...

I'm going to make cut off jeans.
I'm going to long after this swimsuit but probably never get it ...

Not worrying (as much). Trying to appreciate winter a little more and/or just bearing down and dealing with it without losing my mind.
Going to see Legion next week, whoop!
Edit- I just read the reviews for Legion ...
I'm still excited to see it, ha ha.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I Still Reserve the Right to Complain
Work work working through winter blues.
We all gain we all lose.
Everyone's parents grow old.
Everyone gets lost or dumped on some way or another.
Everyone seeks to escape something, sometimes.
I want to be off doing god only knows.
I want to be the reel to reel, the projection on the old sheet, the lawn chair, the heavy stars, and the cold drink.
I want it to be my own real life.
I could be born again.
And again.
I want to throw a party
where everyone dresses up fancy.
and then puts on their sneakers
and jams to Paul Simon
and drinks just enough.
I want to go back to the ocean.
Everyone is trying to find
Things that make them feel.
I mean really feel.
Feel like moving forward.
Winter pauses all that. The growth is gone. The potential is there but you can't get to it through the ice and the cloudiness in your brain.
I always feel like moving.
In the winter it feels like I have strings attached to all my joints.
I can move a little, but not enough to satisfy.
ReCreates all the things that I want to leave alone.
Once I get squirrely, I become worrisome and anxious.
I start doubting all my constants. I start doubting myself.
I feel utterly contained in some kind of drab monotony.
All this from a season?
See, the thing is winter ends, and I know that. It always does. So why does it get me every year?
Why winter? Is it really that different?
Why does that note of hopelessness strike me so hard when the thermometer is below 30 degrees?
There's always the weight, but it's made lighter by the freedom of the loosening of boundaries.
The changes in store. The whoosh of seratonin. The magic of a warm night.
I'm impatient, and that's probably what gets me.
Oh yes, digging my hands in the dirt, I can smell it.
Side stepping the slugs, I can feel them.
Closing your eyes to block the sun, I can still see it.
Riding my bike as fast as I can, oh yeah.
I'm a fish gliding through the water. A lightening bug flitting through a dark night. These things, we don't do well in the cold. Why can't I hibernate and emerge sometime in March like a fatty Monarch. Maybe in a way I do, but the wait, oh the wait.
So I wait, instead of doing.
I'm in my little deep freeze.
Waking up, sloooowly.
Okay, I feel a little better already. Gettin it out. Listening to more music. Right, that's what this blog is for:
I'm sitting by a window trying to absorb whatever sunlight will eek through. I'm listening to music that makes me feel inspired. I'm thinking. This is what I want to do and this is what I want to say and this is what I want to feeel. And why didn't I push play before or call these people before AND THEN enough with the why and the how comes ...
I can't do anything about the seasons or control life outside my own actions. Change is always happening I got to roll with it, the good the bad and the blustery.
I suppose I should do some studying now.
Monday, January 25, 2010
In bed
Memorizing medical terminology
Feeling Distant
Wishing for warm weather
Wanting to go camping
Real Bad
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Dent Heart
Family crisis keeps me up at night.
Dropping tears and turning scenarios in my head.
Eyeballs eventually dry from blank blinking.
Someday they are going to give me an aneurysm
Or something.
It's so cold you'd think I could stay cool.
Ay yay yay.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Myth of the Self Made Man or Woman
A true revolutionary is guided by feelings of love.
- Ernesto Guevara
What am I doing?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Wheel of Time
My leg hair is so long that when I'm walking around in shorts at home I can feel it flap around. It really tickles. I'm ready for spring.
Today I watched the Werner Herzog film, "Wheel of Time" about the 2002 Buddhist Kalachakra initiation. My favorite scene was a monk buying a handful of flitting birds from a street vendor. The monk held the four or so birds in his hands for a minute and then set his eyes to a nearby tree and thrust his arms toward the sky.
Werner Herzog asked the monk why he did that, the monk said, "Every living thing is equal and every living thing has a chance at enlightenment, but you cannot be enlightened unless you are free."
Now, I don't know how I feel about a man selling birds so people can pay him to free them or enlightenment or even Buddhism for that matter, but I sure can get down with the sentiment and statement of the monk. It says so much about how I'd like to live my life.
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