Friday, February 01, 2008

Bitter Heart, Sweet Heart, Bitches in Tokyo.

Last night I went to bed in an altered state.

I slept so sweet on someone else's couch.

How much does a pound of feathers weigh?

Two tons of feathers fell over night, and they became heavy weights that stuck to my feet.

With a light heart I trudged through white walls, stinging eyes.

Then I daydreamed that we skipped town. We made a break for the equator, and assumed new identities.

We wore bright colors and swam with jelly fish. We danced on top of stars and dressed in purple kool-aid

We were bizarre and lewd.
we laughed so hard, slapped our knees, and made up our own rules.

Then I remembered once you broke my heart, and maybe you'd do it again.

That damn bus came to a halt. Those feathers melted down to my toes and soaked me with sloppy snow.

Let's just pretend we don't existence....

I just can't help what I feel.

You know that bad mood (from earlier in the week?), that shit is shook. I'm in an amazing mood (despite the blizzard that fell onto my town) and I'm ready to start this weekend. I'm ready to paint towns and steal masterpieces. MAN, I want to dance. Let's dress up and just groove till all our limbs fall off. Let's sing at the top of our lungs till the snow melts into a glittering olympic sized lap pool. It's February already. Where did all the time go?

Remember when everything moved in slow motion? We were all fresh faced kittens waiting for eighth period macroeconomics to get over, because Mister Zeller's breath smelled like vodka and he kept sticking it three inches from our face. It felt like the more we stared at the clock the slower it went. Fifty minutes felt like fifty hours. We'd all have been happy to let him go drink off his flask in the teacher's lounge if he'd just defy gravity and let us out to go smoke doobies in our basements and eat McDonalds french fries!

Speaking of McDonald's ... I've been clean for 31 days. I'm going to be honest, at times, it was tough. Some days I just wanted some cheap morning coffee or afternoon french fries, but I stood strong and I can now say I'm clean. I believe I've broken my awful McDonald's addiction. I know big deal ... BUT it was a lot harder than I imagined. Those "things" are everywhere and it's so easy to just pop in and grab a snack. Let's just see how February goes before I become an addiction counselor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen what McDonalds can do to a healthy family. It's not pretty. Stay clean, kid.